HipLatina Case Study

Executive Summary

At the time of initial engagement in 2016, Hip Latina needed help to increase their website traffic and visitor engagement. After the initial consultation, Hip Latina decided to engage Rizen for help to implement the Inbound methodology, Pay Per Click management and general consulting and training. Rizen trained the Hip Latina team to implement an approach that increased website traffic, increased visitor engagement and generated more newsletter subscriptions. We outlined the buyer personas and determined the buying stages for the visitors of the site. This allowed for the design, content and the PPC ads to be specifically targeted towards getting the most traffic and conversions.


Increased organic traffic 10x in one year.


Increased user engagement by 3x.


Generated website visitors on AdWords for $.06 a visitor.


Newsletter subscriptions increased by 100%!

The Challenge

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    No defined buyer personas so content was not being written around searches, target market, or buying stages.

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    Content strategy not implementing SEO best practices.

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    No conversion tracking.

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    No way of determining their lead sources.

How Rizen Helped

    • Consulted on Redesign for Wordpress Website

      Rizen provided feedback on design to help increase user engagement and improve on page SEO elements.
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      Consulted on Content Marketing Strategy

      Rizen provided best practices training for creating content to improve SEO and target buyers journey. Content topics now take into account keyword volume, related topics and on-page elements.
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      Implemented Lead Capture Strategy

      Implemented a lead capture strategy for collecting names and emails of people interested in receiving monthly and weekly emails from Hip Latina. The email strategy contributed to an increase in website traffic.


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      Implemented Google AdWords Using Inbound Methodology

      ›In 2016, a Pay Per Click strategy was implemented on Google Adwords that instantly started generating website traffic lower than their previous costs using Outbrain and Taboola. Final cost per visitor was .06 cents.
      › Conversion Tracking through Google was implemented to help optimize the bid process.
      › A banner and text ad strategy was creating targeting the unique topics Hip Latina was targeting.
      › Custom landing pages were developed using best practices that increased newsletter subscriptions.
      › Created segmented campaigns to control traffic for video / non video views for Buick marketing campaign.



Incredible Results

By implementing an Inbound Marketing strategy, Hip Latina was able to lower their paid visitor cost to .06 cents within 3 months and increase their organic traffic by 10x in 1 year. In addition, customer engagement increased by a 3x. Through consulting and incredibly fast results, Hip Latina changed their Marketing approach to include Inbound. The entire organization is on board with Rizen and traffic is growing at a healthy pace.

Marketing is now more clear for HipLatina.

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